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All our websites are the most up-to-date we can make them and security patches are applied as soon as they're released. Personal data is further encrypted to ensure your privacy.

Payment methods are PayPal and Credit/Debit Card via WorldPay - both of which use the highest levels of encryption to ensure a safe and hassle free purchase. WorldPay, PayPal and ourselves are fully PCI DSS compliant. No payment details are stored on our servers.

We may email you from time to time with promotions or newsletters, however each of these emails contains a link to unsubscribe and never hear from us again. You may re-subscribe at any time by emailing us.

All emails and customer data held is subject to the Data Protection Act. We will not sell, lend or otherwise grant access to this data to any company, agency or entity outside the Pantheon Business Group, except where compelled to do so by law.

In a nutshell, any data provided to us is safe with us. We will not exploit it, sell it or in any way abuse your trust.


The 2003 EU e-privacy directive (the cookie law)


What are Cookies?
Cookies are small files that may be stored on your computer when you visit a website to enable or improve your experience. Some features on our site won't work if you disable cookies, and we can't be sure how the website will perform.

What sort of cookies will you use?
There are broadly four categories of cookies:

These cookies are essential for the website to work properly. Examples of necessary cookies are storing things like the content of your basket before you checkout, or information about you being logged in to the site.
We use these cookies to create statistics about how the site is used, provide information about any issues encountered and generally help us to improve the performance of our sites.
These cookies allow us to to remember choices or customisations you make, such as log in details or language preferences.
These cookies are used to deliver content that is more relevant to you and your interests.
We may use some or all of these types of cookies to enable or improve your experience of our website.

Can I block cookies?
If you do not wish us to store cookies you may find sections of the website do not work properly, however you can disable cookies within your web browser:
Google Chrome
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and 8
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari 6
All other browsers
If your browser isn't listed here, review the help documentation or contact your browser provider.